Going Higher

Oxgyen, Man and Mountains

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This substantially revised edition incorporates new research of the last 10 years. Houston joins forces with an educator and a medical writer in a text made even more accessible for the average reader while retaining the depth of material of particular use to the medical community.

It includes new chapters on vision and the eye at altitude, chronic and subacute altitude illness, and the limits to work at altitude (with implications for athletic training). It presents current information on genetics and gender differences and more on flight and space travel, on understanding and treating sea-level hypoxic illnesses, and on who can (or should not) go to high altitude, and much more. With an expanded glossary of terms.

Cutting-edge information on how to prevent, diagnose, and treat altitude illness and hypoxia in everyday life
Interweaves fascinating research discoveries with dramatic first-person accounts
Authored by a celebrated mountaineer and physician who pioneered research in the field

This book is intended for both lay and medical readers with a desire for accurate detailed and comprehensive information that goes miles beyond what is found in other basic texts and on the Internet.


Weight 624.00 g


Author of book

Charles S. Houston et al


Mountaineers Books

Publish Date

01 November 2005



Page size

190mm x 230mm



Number of pages


Author description

acclimatization studies using compression chambers., began his study of the effects of high altitude as a naval flight surgeon in World War II; he conducted Operation Everest and Operation Everest II, CHARLES S. HOUSTON, M.D.

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