A no-nonsense guidebook covering the best routes at all grades.
This guidebook is the essential reference for anyone wanting to safely maximise their time climbing in the breathtaking Blue Mountains.:
An A5 full colour sport climbing guide covering a selection of the best routes in the Blue Mountains – the guide describes over 500 routes, has easy-to-follow access maps, loads…
The information is presented in the full-colour Rockfax photo-topo style and includes crucial advice on when and how to tackle the deep water solos. The guidebook is enticingly illustrated with…
Stories of 50 incredible hiking routes in 30 countries
The definitive guidebook to one of the world’s best bouldering areas – this guide contains more than 1330 problems and never-published-before information on a large number of areas. If you’ve…
Authored by Neil Monteith, this 2015 guidebook to this premier Australian climbing area located in Western Victoria is a fully revised and updated edition of the one published in 2013….
RRP £19.99
A Guide to the Best Rockclimbing Venues in Victoria, Australia this is a lavishly produced selected guide and as the title suggests covers Mount Arapiles, The Grampians and Mount Buffalo….