Gantrisch 253 Ski

1:50 000

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These Ski special sheets use the topographic survey of Switzerland at 1:50,000 from Swisstopo and are produced in Cooperation with the swiss Alpine Club (SAC).

  • Includes Public Transport (Bus and Rail) with stops
  • Time Schedules and route numbers of the swiss Alpine Club Guide.
  • Slopes of more than 30 degrees in red
  • List of Huts, important telephone numbers
  • Information on avalanches and first aid
  • For Skiers, snowboarders and snow shoeing
  • Sanctuaries for wildlife and forest.
    Fantastic looking maps with a superb use of graphic relief and hill shading, the maps give an almost 3-D picture of Switzerland’s mountainous terrain.

It has contours at 20m intervals, and a 1-km grid with the Swiss national coordinates.

These ski sheets cover 35 x 24 km (21 x 15 miles approx).

Weight 100.00 g

Swiss topo


Folded Map

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