Harnesses – a guide for climbers and mountaineers (DOWNLOAD ONLY)

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Choosing the right climbing harness is essential for both comfort and safety. Knowing how to use it and look after it are equally as important. Whether you’re new to the sport or a grizzled veteran, our free, handy guide is packed full of useful info. Check it out now.

Harnesses make climbing much safer than in the days when mountaineers simply tied the rope around their waist. Back then death from asphyxiation was almost guaranteed if you were left hanging – a far cry from today when we think nothing of working a redpoint project or taking a hanging belay.

Read our free guide which covers everything you need to know about choosing, using and looking after a climbing harness. It describes the different types and their uses,  their common features and also contains tips on care, maintenance and when to retire them.


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