Higher than Everest, written by Flore Dussey, follows the extraordinary story of Tendi Sherpa, a Nepalese mountain guide who has climbed the highest peaks on the planet. He has climbed…
This newly delineated guide describes some of the best scrambles and easy rock climbs in the North-West Highlands of Scotland, the Outer Hebrides and Rum. With 200 routes stretching from Sutherland…
The best scrambles and easy rock climbs to be found in Scotland (excepting Skye and the Northern Highlands which are described in separate SMC guides).
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Skills, techniques and safety advice for hill walking
Mountain Leader Training has been at the forefront in the development of walkers’ skills for forty years. This is a major reference book from Mountain Training UK for every walker…
Spanning millennia, from its earliest inhabitants to the present conflicts over Tibet and Everest, Himalaya is a soaring account of resilience and conquest, discovery and plunder, oppression and enlightenment at…
Scotland’s first guide to mountain fauna, flora and landscape, written exclusively for hillwalkers and climbers.
A book for every climber (from beginner to expert) keen to improve their climbing; the things you really need to know without the clutter of an exhaustive ropework manual (and…
A comprehensive guide to recognising, preventing and treating hypothermia and other cold injuries. If you walk, skil, climb, cycle or work in the outdoors in potentially cold or wet conditions…
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22 trekking routes (plus overview at 1:750,000) Includes 22 trekking routes 1:350 000 General overview of Himalayas 1:750,000