RRP £5.45
The PROTEC flexible protector is designed to protect a fixed rope from abrasion when working at height or during rescue.
Power Fingers are the latest tool to hit the climbing market! Ideal for warming up and cooling down, preventing injury and strengthening your hands for that next project! Five different…
Wipe that dirt and chalk from your climbing shoes to ensure optimal grip and clean rock, or if you’e cracking open a cold one post climb, place it on the…
RRP £10.80
Y&Y belay glasses can help belayers to avoid raising their head for extended times, in order to relax muscles in the neck area. Let your muscles feel more smoother and…
The Plasfun belay glasses are prism glasses which enable the belayer to watch the climber without bending the neck! Thus, they improve belaying regarding comfort, concentration and security. Made of…